About + Contact

Hi, I'm Sage

Years ago, I was so frustrated with my facial tension and unable to find answer as to what I was experiencing. I knew it was changing not just the way my face felt, but also how it looked. 

I went to a physical therapist, I tried massages here and there, tried basic gua sha techniques, etc. But it wasn't until I learned about the unique anatomy of facial muscles and the brain-body link that causes tension in the first place that I was able to resolve my facial tension and experience real results.

Over the years, I've combined several fields to bring this life-changing practice to you all. I am certified in Myofascial Release and Microexpression Reading, have completed hands-on facial massage courses, and am extensively self-studied in the areas of facial anatomy and somatic methods.  I also have a PhD in mass communication, which allows me to analyze studies and scientific research at an academic level and share this information in an easy-to-understand, applicable format.

My philosophy is that we hold a great deal of power to heal ourselves. Revealing your true face isn't about chasing after conventional beauty standards. It's about gaining true self-confidence by removing the mask of facial tension. The external changes you'll see are simply reflections of a deeper, internal wellness — of both body and mind!

We are here to become our best selves from the inside out, and I am so excited for you to begin!



& Courses

I am always taking in new information to refine my approach. I believe this is key to creating safe and effective techniques.  

Here is a list of certifications and courses I’ve completed in the past several years:

  • Anatomy Trains & Zoga: Myofascial Release Face and Neck Integration Certification
  • Anatomy Trains: "Anatomy of Self Expression" Live Dissection of the Muscles and Nerves of Facial Expression
  • Anatomy Trains & Zoga: Assessment, Strategies, Techniques and Movement Workshop for Posture
  • Myofascial Release Certification from the Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies 
  • Head and Neck Anatomy Course from Complete Anatomy by Elsevier
  • Microexpression Reading Advanced Certification by The Paul Ekman Group 
  • Alexander Technique Certification by the University of Michigan
  • Clinical Somatic Exercise Levels 1 and 2 from the Somatic Movement Center
  • Neuroaffective Touch: Somatic Toolkit on Healing Emotional Trauma Course by Dr. LaPierre
  • TCM Gua Sha + Bo Jin Course by Sandra Lanshin Chiu, L.Ac.
  • Natural Anti-Aging Through Your Tongue Course by Sandra Lanshin Chiu, L.Ac. and Michal Niedzielski, P.T., Postural Restoration Institute

Additional areas of self-research:

  • Osteopathic techniques for the face
  • Tongue posture
  • Myofunctional considerations
  • Visualization techniques for the face and body

Contact Information

[email protected]